Low-tech Lab: How to build a low-tech solar cooker?

6:45 AM on Jul 16, 2024



In 2023, Low-tech Lab, a French non-profit organization, visited SCI Program and Science Director Alan Bigelow, PhD, in New York to explore the world of solar cooking. During their visit, Low-tech Lab delved into the important work SCI is doing to promote the use of solar cookers worldwide. By championing clean cooking solutions, SCI aims to address the health and environmental issues caused by conventional cooking methods, such as wood and charcoal, which produce harmful emissions and contribute to deforestation.

The video also includes a step-by-step tutorial on building your own low-tech solar cooker. This DIY project is not only environmentally friendly but also a meaningful way to contribute to climate change mitigation. Using readily available materials, anyone can create a solar cooker to harness the power of the sun for cooking, making it an accessible and practical solution for communities around the world.

We invite you to watch this inspiring video and join us in promoting solar cooking for both human health and the environment.

We hope you enjoy the video and start your journey towards sustainable cooking today!

For more information on types of solar cookers and open-source design plans, please click here.